Monday, August 24, 2009

Movie Weekend

The Play is really compressing my time.

So, went to work day/rehearsal with Nate on Saturday. 10:30-2:00. Got a lot done. Ate and took a nap when we got home. Watched movies this weekend.

"The Last House on the Left": eh, not terrible. Rape scene was horrific. Pacing was slow... C-

"The Fisher King": Brilliantly acted, forgotten gem. Jeff Bridges, Amanda Plummer, Michael Jeter, and Robin williams shine in this Terry Gilliam classic... A-

"Underworld: Rise of the Lycans": I was shocked. It was the best of the series. Bill Nighy and Mcheal Sheen are fantastic and their acting gives their characters credibility. So much more focused and sustained than the others in the series... B--

"I love You, Man": Funny and simple, but does nopt descend into the depths of potty humor that many do. Not as funny as I was hoping, but solid... B-

"Major League": Improbable and silly, but still fun after all these years. Particulalry Wesley Snipes and Dennis Haysbert... B-

Actually got some stuff down around the house. Got a start on the kids room move.

Hit the gym:

Squat: up to 475/505 for 5.... felt like a ton. I can only squat every four weeks. Sad but true.
Rounded back GM: up to 315 for 5, feeling them today

Did core and cardio, so there is that.

Novenber is in jeopardy.

Nate: hit a PR 225 x 2, 245 x 1 on floor press; then a PR 345 x 5 on deadlift. I thought he would pull more, but he was whipped. Calf raises, curls, tricep pd's and abs to finish.

Chris worked out, did Cardio and tanned.

The Westside Barbell hosted Pro/am was this weekend. Sean Frankle hit a huge 2630 at 198. 1055, 825, 750. People are going nuts that he is the best of all time. From the videos, the squats were hight, the benches questionable, though the pulls looked great.

The sport had evolved into a mess. The monolift squat is an abomination and the proliferation of gear masters have shot the totals through the roof. Was only ten years ago that an 800 bench was a monumental feet. The new shirts have made it pedestrian.

I have no problem with any of it as long as apples and oranges are kept seperate. From experience I know it takes a strong and dedicated lifter to master gear, but it has gotten ridiculous. The debate over gear and equipment riles powerlifters up like politics and religion in the real world. People get incensed and out of their minds. Same with Steroids.

"Little Shop..."
Feel the cast is merging well. The set is nearly finished. Nate id sounding pretty great. Assata, Ladonna and Mamie are really getting it down. I am a bit put out about the whole "Alice" Rule. People in "alice" were not supposed to be allowed in "LSoH". It has caused more harm than good. Nice to see everything is pretty much the same at WACT eight years later. Too many chiefs and WAY too many egos. C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y Theatre, kids.

Debating full retirement.

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