Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing like a Monday... Except for the Indianapolis 500.

So, the plan was to work in the yard Friday night, but Chris wanted to go to town. We wound up doing just that and spending a fair amount of money, BUT... it was all on stuff we needed for the yard and such.

Saturday we had to hit the gym:
Pulled ME Sumo deadlifts all reset reps
135 x 8
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 3... so very slow
435 x 3... same speed as 405, but kept my form
455 x 3... form was off on first rep, good on second two; back started to hurt
475 x 3... ditto the above
500 x 1... Bent over a fair amount, but pulled with good strenght.

RSS, Cables, Pulldowns, SBCrunch, Bent Press and cardio on the bike because my back could not take the treadmill. A rough workout.

Chris and Nate had good workouts.

My back continues tobe an issue. It just pops out of place sometimes. May have to swap bench for squats to night in order to avoid further pain.

Date Night(afternoon)
We went to eat and see a movie Saturday afternoon. I will never be eating at Dick's Wings and Grill again. Last three times have been a dissappointment. The portions are small for what you pay and it took 30 minutes to get our food... with 5 tables in the whole joint occupied. I am a patient fellow, but it is just de rigeur with them anymore.

Went and Saw "The Hangover". B--: Very funny, but it was so promising in the beginning, then it unraveled. Seemed like it was going to a smart comedy, a la Wes Anderson, but did not fulfill. Well acted and shot, but descended into goofiness. Plus, I hate the hooker with a heart of gold character. Zach Galfinikis (sp) was brilliant. Danzig's "Thirteen" is featured in the Vegas opening... great song.

Yard Work
Got up early on Sunday to get started on the yard work. Were out in the shit by 8. finished up at noon. The good news is that we are finally done with the front of the property. Bab news is there were more frickin' bricks to contend with. With the boys help we are making progress.

Got a cool tool for a specific job and it works pretty well. Like a small pitchfork on a long pole, with bent tines, about the size and shape as a hoe. Got it to dig up the bulbs for the crazyassstickervine. As long as the buld is not wrapped in with roots, the thing workd great. Works for any bulb plant, but we need it for Crazyassstickervines.

Finished up Saturday and ran through my stuff on Sunday to be sure I was done. Wound up being just under 64K. Lots of holes, but the ending is strong. Gotta figure out where it is going. Looks like it is going to either be my shortest or longerst book to date. Debating on letting Chris read it. Afraid it does not make anysense.

"The Jug"
Had trouble getting to it this weekend but put down 2300 words Sunday, putting us over 20K. This is turning into a monster. I will never do a triliogy, but a quadrilogianay, that I might be willing to do.

Tonic Immobility
Blackmailed Logan into finishing a line edit. So, I will be starting my line edit based on his and Chris's feedback today. Scared. Have to get it down to 105K. Hopefully can have it done for readers by the end of July.

My BIL Josh has asked to read the draft that C and L have read, and I do have a copy, but it is flawed. This will be the first time I have looked at it in 4 months, I think. Fresh eyes. Hope it is a good thing. Nervous about Logan and chris's comments. Both are grammer nazi's and Logan has to pay me back for 18 years of brutal honesty.

The Broken Thread
Gage read it and seemed, or said, he liked it. He really liked the fact that it bounced around. Some people don't like that aspect of it.

Nate is reading it now.

Waiting on feedback from Gloria Dale, Mel, April and sister Kim. Its tough when you only sell 4 books. You have to worry about what everyone thinks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Whooped my own rear at the gym... oh, yeah, christan helped out.

Front Squat
45 x 10
135 x 8
185 x 5... felt much more in control than last time
225 x 5
250 x 5... PR
275 x 1... dumped the bar forward. Lucky I had the spotter bars set high. Pissed with myself

Double Siezures

Calf raises on Leg Press Machine

Situps with medicine ball and a horrible twisting motion... oh, with pauses on the up And the Down

Machine Crunches

Cardio2.01 miles in 30 minutes with 5 of the 6 runs at 90 seconds... stoked because I did not think I was gonna get the 2 mile

Christan was badass on the Good mornings: hit 95, 115 and 135 for 5 very strong

Nate seemed to have fun with the floor presses:45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3
190 x 3
200 x 3
215 x 1
225 x 1
I think it was good for him to get to feel heavier weight and still be able to complete the lift.

"Sticks and Stones" aka "Merkaba"
is rolling along well. After last night's session I question if I will be over 70,000 words. I cut a huge chunk out last night. Might be able to use it in the rewrite, but I don't know.

"The Jug"
Wrote a big section yesterday, kind of rambly, but has some decent stuff in it. Do not know where to go with it today.

Interesting TV show that looks at people with OCD and their treatment with CBT. Last night was like the 4th episode and it is getting a little stale. It did feature a guy who therapy just was not working out. I would like to see them tackle some other disorders with some other styles of counseling.

I just wanna point out: that dog loves me. Of course, she loves attention and scraps more than she loves any one person, but what are you gonna do.

Tonic Immobility
I am looking forward to the line edit, but a little wary about it. Christan was not exactly happy with the content, so I worry she will have made some comments that might be hard to take. Would like to get some objective feedback. Right now I know of one definate reader and possibly a second. Once the line edit is done, will try to put the call out . Need a minimum of 5 dissparate readers.

The big issue is gonna be getting that thing down from 120K to 105K. Tough bidness.

On weekdays I drink a minimum of 5 liters of water a day (1 and 1/4 gallons). Lately have been close to 1.5 gallons. Drank 2 gallons last night. Not trying to, but it is so damn hot.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ah, Monday.

Hit the gym with the family on Saturday. Pulled stiffleg deadlifts off two plates with a pad between them:
135 x 8
225 x 8
295 x 8
315 x 8
335 x 8... my back is bothering me.

Did RSS with a 65 pund Dumbell... this always impresses the wife.

Tried BO rows but my back would not comply. Switched to one arms.

Really like the bicycle bar pulldowns.

Did pulley rope crunches. Did not feel them until I had 220 lbs... I got me some strong abs/core

Did bent presses, took me four sets to "get" them. Like the combo of the pulley crunches and bent press.

Cardio... still at 2.02 miles, but all my runs were done at 90 seconds. Slowly but surely.

Christan did conventional pulls with 135 for 2 easy sets of ten. Sexy.

Gage got the motion for hang cleans and put forth a good effort on assistance work.

Nate had a rougher bench workout than last time, but he will get it.

Need to get everyone lifting straps.

Yard Work
Been slacking as of late. Did two hours in the back 40 Friday. Hot as hell even at 7:30 at night. Between the gym and grocery store on Saturday, there was no going out to the yard. Hit it for about two hours Sunday. Drenched. The good news is the fence dividing the back yard from the back 40 is finished,, and we are 90 percent done with the front of the yard facing the street.

Father's Day
Got some cool stuff and it is the one year anniversary of being Boots's daddy.
Logan: Rorshach shirt
Gage: Ghostbuster's shirt that glows inb the dark
Nate: two sweet Mustang Die Casts: 68 GT-500, 70 Mach 1
Christan: Wolverine: Search for Mr. Sinister Play set. That's love. Had a Wolverine AND a Cable... plus an X-23
Mary-in-law: Grill master Tee, bunch of candy and a NEW Wallet...been waiting months to get a new wallet.

The third book is rolling right along now. Should be at or around 70K... at 53 now.

Tonic Immobility
As soon as Merkaba is done, I can do a line edit on Tonic. hope to have it done by August.

Collaborative Jug
Joe and I seem to be heading in the right diresction. already at 10K words. Seems to be rolling well.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Buzz: the Bad... waiting for the Good and Ugly to ...wait there's Ugly now. Now Good, let's get to gettin'

Firstly, my happiness at my top 300K was short lived. The hardcover has slipped all the way back to like 450,000+. Ah, well.

Forgot the website was listed on the back of thebook and now the website doesn't exist. So, I feel like a schmo. Do I want to reup and do another site?

Abs still hurt from the beating I gave them Wednesday.

Have to drive and hour and fifteen muinutes to Tifton tonight. Fun. Have to hit the gym first thing in the morning. Probably have to go to the store to. Might have to put yard work off until sunday and Tuesday again. BUT... I did get some weed eater "blades" last night, so I am prepared for it. The boys have been working a little bit each day on the back 40 (our second, bigger back yard) and while they are doing a good job, they are not as thorough as their father.

Oh, there is a bit of good... Gloria Dale in Wisconsin got her book yesterday. Thanks, G. Hope you like it.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Just hit 50.000 words in "Sticks and Stones" the third novel. Hope to get a few more when I get back from tifton, if it is not too late.

The collaborative "The Jug" is still in its infancy stage, but the first 1700 words are down on "paper."

Listening to Clutch right now while hitting the treadmill and the yard. Really need to From Beale Street to Oblivion, "Electric Worry" and "King of Arizona" are great songs.

T-minus 38 days until I head off to see Tool in Duluth.