Monday, September 14, 2009

Long Time No Bloggy... Not that anyone is reading.

Little Shop is taking up all of my time. Throw in Gage's football and Monday through Thursday is a wash. The show is coming along pretty well, but I cannot believe we go up next week. My characters are coming together, now I just need some costumes.

The Gym
Nothing is going right. Went for the first time in two weeks last Friday. Two weeks from last pull, three from last squat or bench. Did a triple workout:

The Good: No knee or hip pain, hit a solid 545 for 2 and got a Pr for a Squat with no spotter (585). Learning to trust the rack and the pin settings.
The bad: felt heavy on the 585
The Ugly: nothing

The Good: hit 335 for 2 with handing off to myself, learned to trust the rack implicitly.
The Bad: to trust the rack, I had to miss 365
The Ugly: WAY off my target for 405+

The Good: I did it.
The bad: Everything else.
The Ugly: I no longer seem to be able to drive with my legs AND my back. Its one or the other.

Now, I need to try to work in an assistance day.

The Yard
Have spent the last few weekends doing maintence on the front and back yards. Got to make an inroad into the Back 40 this weekend. Far enough that I am in "gotta finish" mode.

Had an epiphany about the garbage behind the garage. I am going to tin-up the back shelter and put all the big trash under it, then clean out the back garage by doin the same thing. Then I can use the back garage for a base of operations for yard/house work. Could not sleep for my desire to get out there and get it started. Would like to turn the front garage into a home gym, since I am lifting alone anyway.

On a Personal Note
I am trying to de-stress my life. As such, I am trying to simplify everything. Until the show is finished, I have shelved writing. No time and no reason. I truly believe that ability means little. Timing and luck are the major forces at play. It s like winning the lottery and I am not the type to be that fortuitous.

Trying to start saving. Christmas, paying the well off, fixing the car... all take money.

Until the show is over, there is no reason to force the gym three nights a week. Try to hit it when I can. Novemebr is in doubt, but it as it is.

I believe, with everything in me, that we have the ability, power and responsibility to create our own meaning from the circumstances around us. Now, to put it into practice.