Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Further Adventures of Proto-Mechanic: Home Edition or The Two Ceiling Fans

The Job: unhooking two old and installing two new ceiling fans.
The Place: Casa de Proto, "Den" and Living Room
Estimated Time to Completion: 2 hours total

A few shout outs:
1) to Big Dave who "always changes his ceiling fans after just switching off the light switch." You obviously have never dealt with my friend...
2) Dr. Frankenstein, who not only plumbed my house but apparently wired it as well. Rot in hell, you sonofabitch.

My first mistake was assuming that, after the difficulties of the Water Heater, this would be... sigh... a cinch.

I give you the Tale of the Two Ceiling Fans or Dr. Proto and Mr. Out-of-His-Damn-Mind Crazy Person.

So, after looking at the ceiling fans we bought a month ago gather dust under the window, I figured it was time to give it a whirl (hee-hee. Se what I did there?). First order of business was to take the old ceiling fan down in the living room. Switched the switch to "off." Ready to go. I mean really easy to take down. Only issue was that I lowered the motor shroud before undoing the blades and the shroud kept getting in the way as I removed the blades. If that were the worst of my problems, I... see, that was where I thought to myself, this is gonna be a cinch!

Unpack the ceiling fan and light fixture. Figure I would limit my above head work and attach the light fixture first. Mistake number one of eighty seven I would commit over the afternoon.

On a side note, a ceiling fan has roughly five hundred feet of wire in it. Proto will learn shortly that you have to trim these wires WAY back. Way. Back. That's called foreshadowing, folks.

So, with the fixture on you cannot put the fan blades on. Balls. I loosen the fixture to put the blades on.

Side note: Christan put together the fan blades. Did a real fine job of it, too. Only thing that went right from here on out.

Get the fan blades on and the fixture tightened up... and there is a bracket cover that needs to go over the motor and it probably needs to go on first, but Proto did not read the directions 'cause Proto knows all 'bout this shit and so Proto has to put the bracket cover on which says it only takes three screws with three lock washers but actually takes six and there are only three lock washers but HEY! Proto gets it on, so that part is done and the whole ceiling fan is together  and that is yet another mistake.*

Go to put the support bracket up. No problem until... BLAM!

I see: A flash.
I feel: a jolt.
I hear:

Hot wires hitting metal: Blam!

Proto-Mechanic: "Son of Bitchin' Bulls%$T bastard! BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP"

And like that the facade of control that has been Proto's life began its downward spiral.

Apparently there is still juice flowing. Thanks, Big Dave! I break out the voltmeter and, yes, a little bit of juice is flowing. Not much, but just enough to piss me off. So begins the search for the proper breaker. Oh, hey, thanks to Victor, there is not one. I turn all the power off to the house. (Ref: The Dishwasher Incident).

I cut the wires to shorten them, but not enough. How do I know that it is not enough? Lemme 'splain. We (Chris and Me) lift the WHOLE DAMN CEILING FAN up to the wires in order to splice them. This is the * from above. The thing is pretty heavy, but the wires are so long it is not a big issue. With a few delt resting pauses, I splice the wires and try to hook the fan's bracket cover over the bracket.

"It, will start, but it, it, it just won't go." (re: The Dishwasher Incident)

Finally get it locked into place, but it is a little catty whompus. I growl for Christan to turn the breaker and the thing is working. Light and all! Yay! But it is still crooked. I go to maneuver it and... Blam!

I see: 1) a flash and 2) smoke. Never a good sign.
I feel: an anger like I ain't felt in a looong time... and a jolt.
I hear: Lots of swearing.
I start: to weep. Not even kidding.

"Oh, yeah! Dave just does it by turning off the (bleeping) switch! Terry (proper name left out in my anger) does it with Jedi Mind tricks. (SWEAR!!!) Oh, and your brother (to Christan), your..." I begin to weep again.

Throw the breakers to the house, and pull the ceiling fan down. The wires were still too long (see, I told ya!) and got pressed against the bracket, cutting the insulation and completing the circuit of horror. The result: burned through wires.

The result: I lost my ever loving mind.

Five minutes later, I begin weeping again.

Christan: "Maybe you should step away from it for a while."

Proto with Madness in his Eyes: "No! I have to to finish it!" More weeping.

So, cut the wires down and then we wrestle with the fully assembled ceiling fan for twenty minutes before we have to stop. Christan just can't hold it up for long. Damn her and her weak delts. Lord, I wanted to kill her, though I recognize it was not her or her delts's fault. Now anyway. At the time it very well could have been.

I storm out of the house to get the ladder, but the power to the garage is off.

I lose my ever-loving mind.

Ten minutes later, I begin to cry.

Power on. Get the ladder. Power off. Set the fan on the ladder and in another fifteen minutes, we (yup, she hung around) we have a ceiling fan that works. The only down side is that the ceiling around the fan is 1) scorched and 2) ratty looking cause the old fan housing was way bigger.

Christan: "We may have to patch that."

Proto: "What?!"

Christan: "Never mind."

Proto: "I hope you die!"

Good news, the pull fobs for the fixtures are nice.

Fan one and Mr. Insane-O: 3.5 hours

Roughly twenty four hours later, I start to open the other fan box.

Christan: "Ah, feeling froggy, huh."

Proto: "Me-me-meh-meh." As any adult would. "Just put the fan blades together and hush."

Christan: Laughs with mocking eyes. I say nothing. I owe her one for releasing the madness twenty-four hours previous. Roughly.

I DO NOT attach the light fixture. I DO NOT attach the blades.

I DO use my voltmeter. I DO find a breaker that turns off the 115 volts flowing through those wires. I DO use a metal plate on the end of a broom to test whether the power is REALLY off.

We DO strain for a few minutes of rubbery delts to hook up the motor. Thirty minutes later, we DO have a fan and ten minutes later than that we DO have a light fixture and there is no sign of the crazy man from before though he was a shadow in Proto's eye when Proto cracked one of the new fixture glass bulbs.

Fan two and Dr. Proto: one hour. 

Fan three: Screw that shit. 

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