Found out that I got the part of the dentist in "Little shop of Horrors". Cool. Strange doing a show after five years.
I finally got a computer upgrade at work: Windows XP after 5 years with '98; a flat panel monitor that clashes with the rest of the gear, but it is nice to be able to see my screen.
wanted to do boards, but noone there I could ask for 8 spots.
worked up to 330 for two sets of 4 and it felt like poo. Wanted to not do my workout, but finished. Close grips went well: 295/315/335 x 5p off three boards.
Nate pulled 315 for 8 on the deadlift. Looked good. He should pull in the mid 400's.
Went out to eat with the director of "LSH" and his wife. Got there at six and did not wind up leaving until 11:30. Had a good time, saw a bunch of people I did not expect to see, met a weird dude named "Donut" who told a few bizarre stories and got to bed late. Like 2:30.
Got up early and decided to download AVG 8.5 free on all the computers. See Below.
Pulled a PR on Stifflegs: 315/345/365 all for eights. Saturday morning workouts whip my ass.
Got home to find that I cannot connect to the internet on my laptop and to find out that our electric bill was over 400$. So, have to shut down the office for the rest of the summer. The window unit burns wattage. Wasted the weekend trying to get connectivity once more.
Went to the store: ate garbage on the ride home: Pepsi, Milky Way, Cashews, Potato skins and a Strawberry/Cream Cheese Danish.
Cooked out on the grill: chicken turned out pretty damn good... but the fact that our well went out ruined the night. Up until 3:30.
A brake caliper went out on Logan's car, but the 1989 Cutless Ciera has a safety feature: you cannot remove the hubcap without the key that your son threw away because he did not know what it was. So we gotta get a key before we can replace the caliper. Luckily the caliper is only twelve bucks.
Took my deep well repair skills and determined that the safety switch might be bad on the well. Took three hours to change it out... to no avail. Spent another hour trying to repressurize the tank... to no avail. Got a bad feeling.
Cleaned out the well house for the first time in five years. Straightened up the garage. Worked on the computer for 3 hours.. to no avail.
Good news, the Septic leak has dried up. As Chris said, "Maybe there is a connection."
Yard Work
Got nothing done this weekend. Nothing at all. Dad is supposed to come over today and cut down a few limbs on the Gigantic Pine Tree in the front yard, particualarly the one laying on the power line. Just not feeling it. Might feel better if the well can be fixed on the cheap and the septic stays dry.
Tonic Immobility
This is going nowhere fast. Maybe I just need to abandon it. Can't feel it. I have decided that it is never going to happen for me, so I suppose I do not see the point. For all that Chris says it is a better read than TBT, I feel the Thread should have made it. This one, not so sure.
"So you think you can Dance?"
As expected, Kupono and Randi went home. I will miss Randi's unitards and Kupona had great facial expressions. Evan is safe for at least a week. He has the benefit of being popular, but he suffers from too much evan in his routine.
It was GREAT to see Ade and Melissa in the bottom. Though, in his style, Ade is as strong as anyone... and he has a great ass. Melissa... I just don't like her.
Predictions: Going home next week: Evan and Melissa.
Jeanette is still the one to beat. that crappy routine that Brandon had to dance with Mellissa hurt him. Brandon does best out of his style. Of course, his style is the blanket contemporary, which bugs me as a style.
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