Hit the gym with the family on Saturday. Pulled stiffleg deadlifts off two plates with a pad between them:
135 x 8
225 x 8
295 x 8
315 x 8
335 x 8... my back is bothering me.
Did RSS with a 65 pund Dumbell... this always impresses the wife.
Tried BO rows but my back would not comply. Switched to one arms.
Really like the bicycle bar pulldowns.
Did pulley rope crunches. Did not feel them until I had 220 lbs... I got me some strong abs/core
Did bent presses, took me four sets to "get" them. Like the combo of the pulley crunches and bent press.
Cardio... still at 2.02 miles, but all my runs were done at 90 seconds. Slowly but surely.
Christan did conventional pulls with 135 for 2 easy sets of ten. Sexy.
Gage got the motion for hang cleans and put forth a good effort on assistance work.
Nate had a rougher bench workout than last time, but he will get it.
Need to get everyone lifting straps.
Yard Work
Been slacking as of late. Did two hours in the back 40 Friday. Hot as hell even at 7:30 at night. Between the gym and grocery store on Saturday, there was no going out to the yard. Hit it for about two hours Sunday. Drenched. The good news is the fence dividing the back yard from the back 40 is finished,, and we are 90 percent done with the front of the yard facing the street.
Father's Day
Got some cool stuff and it is the one year anniversary of being Boots's daddy.
Logan: Rorshach shirt
Gage: Ghostbuster's shirt that glows inb the dark
Nate: two sweet Mustang Die Casts: 68 GT-500, 70 Mach 1
Christan: Wolverine: Search for Mr. Sinister Play set. That's love. Had a Wolverine AND a Cable... plus an X-23
Mary-in-law: Grill master Tee, bunch of candy and a NEW Wallet...been waiting months to get a new wallet.
The third book is rolling right along now. Should be at or around 70K... at 53 now.
Tonic Immobility
As soon as Merkaba is done, I can do a line edit on Tonic. hope to have it done by August.
Collaborative Jug
Joe and I seem to be heading in the right diresction. already at 10K words. Seems to be rolling well.
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